





Broadwater Health Center

Sole UX Designer

Broadwater Health Center

Sole UX Designer

Broadwater Health Center (henceforth abbreviated as BHC) is was a hospital in Townsend, Montana. The hospital has since been closed. Their old website had a weak information architecture that lead to a confusing navigation scheme. Users were not able to find the information they needed, which is an issue on a healthcare website information is the difference in ones health. My goal was to redo the entire website's information architecture, mainly focusing on the navigation scheme to better the user's ability to find the important healthcare information that they need. My final design was handed off to the IT team at the hospital for implementation in Squarespace. Freelance Client Project


Broadwater Health's Statement has too many navigation items and a confusing navigation scheme.

We believe that by improving the information architecture, user's will be able to find the healthcare information they need.

Information Architecture

Competitive Research and Synthesis

I wanted to start my research by looking at what other hospital websites are doing correctly within their information architecture. I focused on things like what content they had in their navigation scheme, the amount of navigation items, as this would be a good place to start when fixing BHC's IA. I also looked at things that had to do with IxD (Buttons/Call to Actions, Breadcrumbs, feature elements) and Visual (Hero Images). I synthesized and documented my findings so that I could call back to this information in my next steps, as well as confer and present with my contact at BHC.

Competitive Research

Card sort

I put every navigation item onto a Post-It and conducted an open card sort with 5 users to get a better idea of what categories the user's thought each navigation item should go under. After documenting my synthesized findings, I conducted a closed card to further get a better idea of where the users felt the best place to get their information would be. Along with my competitive analysis findings, I had a good idea of how I wanted my navigation scheme to look like, and I used this information to start my interaction design process.

Card sort

Interaction Design


I created wireframes in Sketch, and using the Anima plugin to show interactions and page layout. More importantly, I was able to give a proper look at how the navigation would be used. I was able to properly use these wireframes to do some usability testing. After iterations, I also used the Anima plugin as hand off tool to the developer.

Low Fidelity Wireframe


I have handed off the wireframes to the lead developer. He has implemented the correct Information Architecture navigation scheme along with the proper content layout into Squarespace. I will remain as a consultant for any needs or changes that may happen.

Note: After this case study was published, BHC was acquired by a larger hospital, thus changing names and total branding. The BHC website was closed and integrated into the new hospitals website.

I have handed off the wireframes to the lead developer. He has implemented the correct Information Architecture navigation scheme along with the proper content layout into Squarespace. I will remain as a consultant for any needs or changes that may happen.

Note: After this case study was published, BHC was acquired by a larger hospital, thus changing names and total branding. The BHC website was closed and integrated into the new hospitals website.

I have handed off the wireframes to the lead developer. He has implemented the correct Information Architecture navigation scheme along with the proper content layout into Squarespace. I will remain as a consultant for any needs or changes that may happen.

Note: After this case study was published, BHC was acquired by a larger hospital, thus changing names and total branding. The BHC website was closed and integrated into the new hospitals website.

© Nick Brosas Design 2023

I don't really know what to put in a footer for a portfolio

© Nick Brosas Design 2023

I don't really know what to put in a footer for a portfolio